
“You reap what you sow” is a folk wisdom that emphasizes the importance of quality seed material for successful harvest production. This truth is important not only for farmers. The responsibility of the Agro-Forte company lies in its activities in the western and central regions of Ukraine, we adhere to high standards in production and are constantly improving our products.

Agro-Forte specializes in the production and sale of superior seeding material, successfully working in the agricultural market for many years. Our own seed plant provides seed processing services for farmers and is equipped with the Akyurek mechanized and automated Turkish seed line with a seed cleansing complex.

The line includes a pre-cleaning separator, an aerator device, a calibration machine, an indented cylinder, a gravity table, Z-bucket elevators, a TAIHO 8-tray color sorter, a cleansing line and packaging equipment. The line has a capacity of 120 tons per day and the ability to pack both in big bags and in bags due to this equipment.

It should also be noted that Agro-Forte has its own accredited seed laboratory, which confirms the high standards of product quality.


Вартість послуг

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Our expectations advantages


Agro-Forte is the embodiment of reliability due to the constant improvement of products and compliance with high production standards.


We outperform our competitors by combining responsibility with cutting-edge seed technology, guaranteeing premium products through our sophisticated seed plant.


The company guarantees unsurpassed quality by combining innovative technologies and strict control at every stage of production.

Customer Reviews

Степан Лимич
Степан Лимич
Компанія досить надійна та впевнено рухається вперед. Я отримав весь спектр послуг від компанії. Дуже дякую професійному персоналу.
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User Xiaomi
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Олександр Грабовий
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Сергій Піскуровський
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Ребрий Сеялка
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Александр Пасека
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